Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Reality of Student Hazing

Kevin Brawley

When some students think of joining a club, fraternity, or a sport during their time at college, the thought of student hazing has to run through their mind. This criminal act has been in the news for happening on college campuses all across the country. Many would think that since this is against the law that hazing would not occur. Unfortunately the law does not stop some groups of people. An occurrence of hazing was in the news lately. Twenty-seven members of the Jacksonville State University marching band were suspended for beating freshman as a form of hazing.

College officials need a way to stop this from occurring, instead of having to deal with the problems after they have occurred. The Hazing Prevention Organization puts on an annual Hazing Prevention Symposium. During this symposium, those who attend examine the research, theories, and practical implications for addressing the problem of hazing. For this to have an effect on campuses, college officials should attend symposiums such as this one so they can develop ideas that would help stop hazing from occurring on their campuses.

Students should not have to worry about joining a club, fraternity, or a sport. College is supposed to be a time where students go outside of their comfort to try new things. It is hard for students to want to do that if they have to worry about the possibility of hazing happening on their school's campus. Personally, I did not want to join a fraternity because of the thought of hazing. I would not want to have other people telling me what I had to do which is what pledges have to go through each year.

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