Saturday, October 3, 2009

Living With the Opposite Sex

Chris Massad

Before the 1980's, coed residence halls were nowhere to be found. Then came the 80's, and with it, came coed buildings. A
s the times change, so do university, living policies. Today there are more than two dozen colleges that offer students the opportunity to live with people of the opposite sex. Many people think this is a bad idea for a number of reasons, but if you open your mind to consider coed rooming, it does have its advantages.

For one, students get to live and socialize with the opposite sex. Colleges who offer coed rooming their prospective students already have an advantage; many students find this to be a favorable living option. Universities also benefit it provides more housing options. because this offersIt also makes for great real life experience. Life is never going to be separated into same-sex compartments, especially in the work place. Some women feel safer and have a more comfortable sense of security when they share a room with the a guy. And you have to think, same sex rooming isn't for everyone. Some girls find other girls to be catty and full of attitude and would prefer to live with someone who isn't full of drama all the time.

The majority of universities do not condone this policy. They believe that the risk of coed dorms is too high and is overall inappropriate. Then again, 30 years ago, coed buildings didn't even exists, now almost every university has coed buildings. Colleges are evolving, and even though very few schools offer coed dorms, who's to say that in the near future more and more schools won't "get with the times" and adopt this policy. Students who live with the opposite sex admit that it really is not a big deal. It makes for a great learning experience and a lesson in maturity. Big name colleges including Harvard, University of Michigan, and Dartmouth College have adopted this way of living. If these schools can function successfully with this type of living environment, others can to.

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