Friday, September 18, 2009

The More Diverse, The Better

Kevin Brawley

College is a time for new experiences. Students from across the world come together to study under the same "roof" at their respected universities. For a lot of people this is the first time being away from home and being away from the people you know and love. This can definitely be a culture shock for people coming from a sheltered background. Although it might seem awkward to be in such a diverse community once students reach college, it can actually be very beneficial towards the growth of the students.
Patricia Gurin, Professor of Psychology, at University of Michigan has researched the benefits of diversity in college and beyond college life. Gurin stated, "Students learn better in such an environment and are better prepared to become active participants in our pluralistic, democratic society once they leave school."

Students who come to very culturally diverse campuses really gain a lot of experience outside of the classroom as well. These students will have a leg up on the competition after school when looking for jobs. After experiencing multiple cultures while at school, interviewing for an international company will not be so difficult because students will have prior knowledge on the culture of where the particular international company is from. This is the why colleges and universities boast about their study abroad programs. It is because they are such a success on teaching students what cannot be taught at home. Being immersed in a different culture helps people grow as people. According to Professor Gurin, students are arriving at colleges and universities at a "critical" stage of their development. It is a stage where they define themselves in regards to those around them and experience new social roles before settling down to permanent commitments. Higher education is very influential on students when the environment is different than where the students came from. Having such a diverse educational environment helps students learn and think more. Being in such a diverse environment is not only good for learning but also good for growing as a human being. No wonder college is the best time of a person's life.

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