Friday, September 18, 2009

Community College: Risk vs. Reward

Xavier Baisden
For many people, the tough economic times combined with rising tuition costs at colleges has caused a search for ways to defuse the costs of higher education. Many choose to take out student loans, causing them to graduate in debt. One common choice by many is to attend a community college. Community college is said to provide access to learning, while also preparing students for the rigors of college at a discounted rate. However, there are many untold pitfalls that accompany attending a community college.
The primary threat in a community college environment is a sense of complacency. Many people view community college as the 13th grade, or simply an extension of high school. Community college students typically stay at home, rather than being in a true college environment that develops independence. The experiences that they are missing simply cannot be replicated in a community college environment.
Another threat in attending a community college is a glass ceiling. Although many students attend community colleges with hopes of eventually transferring to a major college, the chances of being able to efficiently being able to transfer to a top tier university is very slim, thus placing a ceiling on their true marketability, as their degree will simply not match up to those of a graduate of a top tier college. Another aspect of this glass is the aspect of actually transferring to another university. Many times, credits are lost or not accepted at the new college, forming another ceiling preventing them from graduating in a reasonable amount of time. All of these aspects affect a student's eventual marketability.
There are many inconspicuous hazards that line the road that many choose to take when they choose to attend community college. These hazards have long reaching consequences that affect much more than one may first notice. So when considering community college, ask the question: Is it worth the risks?

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